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School Nurse

Welcome to the Norwalk Public Schools Health Services Department. Here you will find health information that will be useful to you as your child journeys through the Norwalk Public School system.  Feel free to download forms, view health requirements, and contact your school nurse  with any questions or concerns.

The National Association of School Nurses defines school nursing as:

“A specialized practice of professional nursing that advances the well-being, academic success, and lifelong achievement of students. To that end, school nurses facilitate positive student responses to normal development; promote health and safety; intervene with actual and potential health problems; provide case management services; and actively collaborate with others to build student and family capacity for adaptation, self-management, self-advocacy, and learning.”

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How do I know if I should send my child to school due to illness or injury?
    • Please contact your school nurse for up-to-date guidelines on health-related questions.
    • Please refer to the NPS Health Guidelines (English / Spanish)
  • ​Where can I find information about Religious Exemptions for the 2021-22 school year?
    • ​Please view the CSDE Guidance regarding Religious Exemptions.

COVID Information

District Health Policy

  • For additional information, please visit our District Health Center

For more information about the Health Services Department:

JoAnn Malinowski BSN RN NCSN
Coordinator of School Health Services
125 East Ave: Suite 116
Norwalk, CT 06850






Welcome to the Nurse's Office! 

Our School Nurse is Sandra Dineen!

The district employs a full-time nurse to determine the health needs of all students in order to remove health-related barriers to education. The nurse provides emergency care for illnesses or injuries as well as administering first aid and any needed medications ordered by your child’s healthcare provider. The nurse also maintains health records and performs vision, hearing and scoliosis screening as needed. The nurse is a member of the Special Education team and helps to provide special care to students with special needs and students requiring other services.


For a student to receive any medication, including over the counter medication such as Tylenol, aspirin, cough syrup, etc. during the school day, there must be a medication form on file signed by a doctor and a parent/guardian. If medications need to be administered in school, parents must contact the school nurse for necessary forms and further information. The form may also be downloaded from the NPS web site.

Students should not carry any medicine to school. An adult must hand all medications to the school nurse assigned to that school. All medications must be brought to school in their original containers. No more than a forty-five (45) school day supply of a medication for a student shall be brought to the school nurse.


Parents must report all cases of communicable diseases (chicken pox, measles, lice, etc.) to the school nurse. For further information, refer to the Health Service rules on the inside back cover of this handbook. NOTE: Do not send your child to school with a fever, vomiting, undiagnosed frequent cough or undiagnosed rash of any kind!!! Your child must be without these symptoms for at least 24 hours before returning to school.


Norwalk Public Schools has updated the School Wellness Policy. Please contact your child's teacher for more information, or click the link below.
Norwalk Public Schools Wellness Policy.

How might birthdays be recognized without sweets?

Some examples include:

  • Parent reads a story to the class
  • Class has an extra recess, in honor of the birthday child
  • Class has an art project, chosen by the birthday child
  • Class plays a game chosen by the birthday child
  • Class has a dance party – 15 minutes in class
  • Parent creates trivia questions about the birthday child and the class has to guess the answers (a particularly creative idea)
  • Birthday child chooses a board game to play in class
  • Go Noodle class activity (which is also a physical activity)
  • Gift bags of non-edible items (markers, pencils, stickers, etc.)
  • The old standard: Class sings Happy Birthday to the birthday child

Health Physicals

Health Assessments: Physicals for incoming Kindergartners are due by the first day of school. (No exceptions).They must be on the CT Health Assessment form commonly known as a “blue form”. Parents can hand them in as early as March of the previous year. The physical must be done within a year of child entering Kindergarten. For instance, the nurse cannot accept a physical done on August 25th of the previous year but can accept one on September 1st of the previous year.

Physicals are not required again until student is going into Middle school. Forms are available below.

Heath Assessment Form (Physical) 

Physical forms can also be downloaded from the Board of Education Website under Health Services. Forms do not have to be submitted on blue paper.

Medication: Students cannot carry any medicine to school at any time. If your child needs medicine at school, please see Mrs. Smoragiewicz. Medication forms are available below. The nurse cannot give out medicine without a doctor’s order.

Medical Authorization Form

Student Illness

Illness: Please keep your child home from school if they have a fever within 24 hours, vomiting, frequent cough, rash of any kind. Please call the main office if your child will be absent that day. A note is recommended for absences more than 3 days. A medical note is required if your child needs to be excused from gym for an extended period of time.

For More Information

More information regarding health services can be found on the NPS website below
NPS Health Services